It's important for certain people to get tested for the hepatitis C virus. If you answer yes to any of these questions, talk to your doctor about getting tested:
Many people who have hepatitis C live for years without feeling sick. But the virus can still damage the liver even when there aren't any symptoms. You could also spread the virus to others without knowing it.
The only way to know for sure if you have hepatitis C is to get a blood test. If you have hepatitis C, treatments may be able to help you live a longer, healthier life.
What about cost?
Under the health care reform law, insurance plans must cover hepatitis C testing for adults at higher risk and everyone born between 1945 and 1965. You may be able to get tested at no cost to you. Talk to your insurance company to find out more.
What do I ask the doctor?
Visiting the doctor can be stressful. It helps to have questions for the doctor or nurse written down ahead of time. Print this list of questions, and take it to your appointment.
For more information about hepatitis C, visit: