Aerobic Vaginitis

Methodology: Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Performed: Mon-Sat
Reported: 1-2 days
Specimen Required:

Collect: APTIMA® Vaginal Swab Collection Kit (Oange label) OR ThinPrep® .


Specimen Preparation: Follow the instructions provided in the APTIMA® Vaginal Swab OR ThinPrep® Collection Kit. See attached file. Indicate the source.

Storage/Transport Temperature: Refrigerated.

Stability:  Room Temperature - 7 days; Refrigerated - 21 days; Frozen - UNACCEPTABLE.


Test Components: 

Lactobacillus spp.(Lacto)

Escherichia coli

Staphylocossus aureus

Enterococcus feacalis

Streptococcus pyogenes

Lactobacillus rhamnosus


NOTE: * This test is approved for all states. *

CPT Code(s): 87798x4; 87640; 87651; 87653
Accu Reference Medical Laboratory

Accu Reference Medical Laboratory

Is a state-of-the-art medical testing laboratory service that provides a complete range of tests for diagnosis, screening or evaluation of diseases and health conditions.

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