X722 B-Cell Memory and Naive Panel
Q458 Babesia Microti DNA by PCR
1153 Babesia microti IgG & IgM Antibodies by IFA
BVG1 Bacterial Vaginosis
BVAG Bacterial Vaginosis Panel by PCR
8478 Bacterial Vaginosis Panel by PCR , Thin Prep, NY State
5355 Bacterial Vaginosis Panel by PCR, OneSwab, NY State
M147 Bacteroides ureolyticus by Real-Time PCR
G17 Bahia Grass, IgE
F45 Bakers/Brewers Yeast, IgE
F92 Banana, IgE
BARP Barbiturates Screen, Urine
1134 Barbiturates, Urine, Confirmatory Analysis
F6 Barley, IgE
3876 Barley, IgG
S843 Bartonella henselae (Cat Scratch) Antibodies, IgG & IgM by IFA
11 Basic Metabolic Profile
S930 Basil, IgE
V009 BasoFunction HRT Acetaminophen
V010 BasoFunction HRT Bupivacaine
V012 BasoFunction HRT Cefaclor
V013 BasoFunction HRT Cephalosporin
V003 BasoFunction HRT Ciprofloxacin
V014 BasoFunction HRT Clarithromycin
V433 Bass Black (Sea Bass) (Centropristis striata), IgE
V340 Bay Leaf (Larus nobilis), IgE
V649 Bay Leaf, IgG
0920 Bayberry, Tree, IgE
T308 Bean Green, IgE
V514 Bean Green/String IgG
V147 Bean Kidney (Phaseolus vulgaris), IgE
V103 Bean Kidney, IgG
V126 Bean Lima, IgG
V435 Bean Mung (Phaseolus aureus), IgE (Bean Sprouts)
V443 Bean Navy/White, IgG
F15 Bean White, IgE
T5 Beech Tree, IgE
F27 Beef, IgE
Q601 Beef, IgG
929 Bell Pepper (Unripe Seed), IgE
A572 Bence Jones Protein, Quantitation and Characterization, with Reflex to Kappa/Lambda Free Light Chains with Ratio, Urine
1131 Benzodiazepine, Urine, Confirmatory Analysis
552 Benzodiazepines Quantitation, Serum or Plasma
V236 Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon), IgG
G2 Bermuda Grass, IgE
S378 Beryllium, Serum or Plasma
V810 Beta Lactoglobulin, IgE
X637 Beta-2 Microglobulin
367 Beta-2 Microglobulin, Blood
A432 Beta-2 Microglobulin, Urine
A029 Beta-hCG, Quantitative (Tumor Marker)
S795 Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid
S352 Beta-Thalassemia Screen
370 Bile Acids, Total
113 Bilirubin, Direct
0182 Bilirubin, Indirect
129 Bilirubin, Total
BIP1 Biopsy (Tissue) 1 piece
BIP2 Biopsy (Tissue) 2 pieces
BIP3 Biopsy (Tissue) 3 pieces
L103 Bipolaris Specifera, IgE
T3 Birch, IgE
967S Bismuth, 24-Hour Urine
606S Bismuth, Random Urine
A310 Bk Virus, Quantitative PCR, Urine
V047 Black Bean (Phaseolus spp), IgE
F280 Black Pepper, IgE
V486 Blackberry (Rubus fruiticosus), IgE
V484 Blackberry, IgG
5062 Blastomyces Antibodies by CF & ID
371 Blastomyces Antibody by CF
372 Blastomyces Antibody by ID
S48 Blomia Tropicalis, IgE
136 Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
F37 Blue Mussel, IgE
A068 Blueberry, IgE
0712 BNP, Plasma
S204 BNP-NT pro Screen, Serum
T322 Bone Healing Profile
M101 Bordetella parapertussis by Real-Time PCR
S739 Bordetella pertussis Antibodies, IgA, IgG, and IgM by ELISA with Reflex to Immunoblot
A316 Bordetella pertussis Antibody, IgA by Immunoblot
374 Bordetella pertussis Antibody, IgG by ELISA with Reflex to Immunoblot
X897 Bordetella pertussis Antibody, IgG by Immunoblot
S738 Bordetella pertussis Antibody, IgM by ELISA with Reflex to Immunoblot
X899 Bordetella pertussis Antibody, IgM by Immunoblot
T530 Boron, Blood
U143 Boron, Urine
A502 Borrelia burgdorferi Antibodies (Lyme) IgG/IgM, Total by ELISA
V260 Boysenberry (Rubus boysenobaccus), IgE
F18 Brazil Nut, IgE
BRCA BRCA 1 & BRCA 2 Sequencing and Deletion/Duplication. Breast and Ovarian Hereditary Cancer Panel
L911 BRCA1/2 Comprehensive Analysis (BRCAssure
F260 Broccoli, IgE
V485 Broccoli, IgG
2585 Brussel Sprouts, IgE
F11 Buckwheat, IgE
V100 Buckwheat, IgG
S79 Budgerigar Feathers, IgE
205S Bumble Bee Venom, IgE
5049 BUN/Creatinine Panel
BUPR Buprenorphine (Suboxone) Screen, Urine
1589 Buprenorphine and Metabolites - Confirmation/Quantitation - Serum/Plasma
1147 Buprenorphine, Urine, Confirmatory Analysis