


Vaginal Pathogens Panel by DNA Probe, NY State

Methodology: DNA probe
Performed: Sun-Sat
Reported: 3-4 days
Specimen Required: Collect: Vaginal fluid. Collect in BD Affirm™ VPIII 
Specimen Preparation: Transport swab in BD Affirm™ VPIII Ambient Temperature Transport System. See collection instruction.
Storage/Transport Temperature: Refrigerated. 
Stability: Ambient: 72 hours; Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Frozen: Unacceptable 
Causes for Rejection:  Specimen collected or transported other than previously described; specimen more than 72 hours old
NOTE: * This test is approved for New York patients ONLY, please refer to test code VPAT for specimen requirements for all other States . * 
Performing Laboratory 
LabCorp Laboratory Corporation of America
CPT Code(s): 87480, 87510, 87660